What is Integromat?
Integromat will automate processes that you currently handle manually. It is not only capable of connecting apps but can also transfer and transform data. It works 24 hours a day, seven days a week and does not require your intervention. Simply set Integromat to do what you want and let it work for you. Save your time!
Detailed information about each execution
When executing a specific scenario in Integromat, all operations are logged. This way you can easily see what and when data was processed.
And, if you would like to use Integromat but don't want us to store any transmitted data, you can just turn the logging off.
Functions - as you know them from Excel
In time, you may need to sum up multiple values or move a date value over a few days. Integromat comes with the most commonly used functions for working with text, numbers, dates and lists. New ones are added regularly.
Choose where to start
Do you need to process data that was created before activating your scenario? No problem - Integromat allows you to easily choose whether you want to retrieve data from the past or from after activation, when you run your scenario.
Thanks to the HTTP/SOAP and JSON/XML modules, we can easily connect to almost any web service without writing a single line of code.
Your integrations (scenarios) may contain an unlimited number of steps.
We have prepared over 1500 ready-to-use scenarios for you, to help with the initial setup.
From the ability to track real-time scenario execution to complete visualization of the data that passes through your scenario, watch your scenario unfold in front of you.
For each scenario, we maintain a complete execution history for up to 2 months back.
You can run your scenarios manually and observe in real-time how your data passes through it.
You can set up an execution schedule according to your preferences. We can execute your scenario up to every minute. Webhooks are handled immediately.
You can easily choose whether you want to read data from the moment you start the scenario or from a certain point in the past.
All of the operations that Integromat performs in a scenario are logged in detail, and kept up to several weeks back. With this enabled, you can easily see which data was processed during a run of a scenario.
If you would like to use Integromat without retaining any transferred data, simply disable the logging feature at any time.
Have multiple team members work on the same scenarios by assigning different user roles.
Integromat allows you to work with files of any type, including texts, troubles, archives, and etc. You can load, transform, save, and etc.
Triggers are modules which are able to return bundles that were newly added or updated (depending on the settings), since the last run of the scenario.
Iterators are special types of modules that can split a large bundle into multiple smaller bundles. The results returned are then passed on one after another to subsequent modules.
Unlike iterators, aggregators are modules that compile multiple bundles into one single bundle.
Routers divide the flow into several branches, to allow you to process data differently in each branch.
Searches retrieve data matching the parameters you specify. Like iterators, searches can also return multiple results.
There are 39 types of filters.
Integromat comes with the most commonly used functions for working with text, numbers, dates and lists.
Multiple cycles can be executed within one scenario run. Each cycle represents an isolated process within a scenario.
We support transaction processing, which works similarly to classic relational databases.
Data stores are the perfect tool for storing data from scenarios or transferring data between individual scenarios or scenario runs.
The error handling feature gives you the power to effectively handle unexpected errors.
Scenarios interrupted due to an error can be paused, manually corrected, and established where exactly the scenario was disrupted.
Our mobile app gives you the power to connect your mobile phone with Integromat and do amazing things!
To speed up your work, you can duplicate your scenarios.